Welcome to Redmond Place

Building innovative, sustainable and affordable housing in Orange

Current as at: February 2025

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is currently assessing a planning proposal from Landcom to rezone vacant Council-owned land for residential use in Orange. 

The project

Landcom is working with Orange City Council to create a new residential neighbourhood that will increase and diversify housing options for this growing regional city.

The project will unlock 24.2 hectares of Council-owned land at Orange’s eastern entrance to deliver 300+ homes with a mix of housing types including single dwellings, duplexes, town houses and low-rise apartments - providing people with greater choice and affordability.

Redmond Place will cater to various household sizes and incomes, with at least 20% of homes to be set aside as Affordable Housing for low- to moderate-income workers.

The project will be designed with innovation, sustainability and liveability in mind, aiming to set the standard for contemporary new housing in Orange and Central West NSW.

Newbrook mother child at playground

Redmond Place, Orange


Orange City Council

Community consultation

Consultation is an important part of the planning process. We are working with Council and the local community to plan a resilient new neighbourhood that meets local needs and has a distinctive Central West NSW identity.

We have already worked with the community to understand housing needs and priorities, and to create a shared project vision. and There will be further opportunities for you to engage with us as the project progresses.

Visit Join In Landcom to see previous engagement reports and stay up-to-date with future engagement activities. 

Have your say at Join In Landcom


Orange video

24 hectares


300+, with at 20% Affordable Housing


  • Community visioning consultation

  • Prepare masterplan and lodge rezoning proposal

  • Obtain rezoning
  • Lodge development application
  • Obtain development approval
  • Commence construction
  • Commence land sales
  • Register subdivision

If you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call Landcom on 02 9841 8600. The interpreter will then assist you with the translation.

About Landcom

We develop land and property, increasing the supply of housing for the people of NSW.

As a state-owned corporation, we are a commercial business that achieves public outcomes while also generating financial returns for the NSW Government. We enable development by de-risking and unlocking strategic and complex sites in collaboration with landowners and the market.

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